Theta Healing Method // Hen Rotem Theta Healing is a meditative process that creates physical, mental, and spiritual healing through focused prayer through the energy of creation. Through specific meditation we connect to the energy of creation. When we connect to this energy, our brainwaves automatically switch to a theta conscious state. In this state, beliefs can be changed, communicated with entities, communicated with the subconscious, and creating healing. In Theta Healing we work with our chakras, energetic centers and aura. We do Reads, scans to find places in the body where energy does not flow harmoniously. To understand the nature of the thesis, I will explain the types of brain waves that exist. There are five brainwaves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Gamma is the brainwave we are in while in high mental activity, it is a very fast frequency, compared to the delta - where we are in deep sleep, a very slow frequency. Everything we do and say is regulated by the frequency of brain waves. In any given situation, we have one frequency that is dominant. Theta waves are the waves we find just before we start dreaming, slow frequencies, a state of very deep relaxation. With the Theta Healing method we connect to Theta waves in waking state, of course by practicing we can reach the state where our brain waves are in deep relaxation (Theta) and we are awake. The way to get into Theta waves is through some meditation of guided imagination, by a focused sending of our consciousness to the energy of creation. The Theta Healing method provides a structure of seven dimensions of existence, and explains the medicine that exists in each dimension. For example, the first dimension is the soil, the crystals, the minerals. Therefore healers who work with the first dimension will heal with the help of crystals. The dimension structure is created to help our minds absorb the greater truth, the real world that exists here, beyond the illusion of matter. The seventh plain is where we come to Theta, where there is the energy of creation, the unconditional love energy. This energy is available to us at any given moment and through a direct connection to which we can transmit healing to anything we choose. Think of our body as a conductor, like a pipe. We need to clean, purify the pipe as much as possible so that we can be good conductors of this energy. Of course, cleaning is an ongoing work that needs to be repeated every day. Theta Healing allows through belief work to work on this topic. According to Theta Healing, we have four levels at which some belief can exist. For example, I may have a belief that I'm not good enough, because my parents haven't supported me enough. I may have this belief from a past life, a belief that my grandmother experienced in her life and conveyed to me. Through theta we can find the source of faith and, like reprogramming our subconscious, exchange beliefs. Our subconscious mind is 80% of our consciousness. Which means that there are innumerable beliefs within us that affect our energy and the way we walk this life, beliefs that we are not necessarily aware of, or that came from this life. We connect with Theta Healing to a collective consciousness, a collective consciousness whereby immediate healing can be performed, that is, to transfer energy from the seventh plane and to heal everything immediately. Collective consciousness is energy, thought, some belief that enough people think it, believe it and it becomes realistic. Therefore, according to Theta Healing, enough people believe, and there is evidence ,that the method can communicate with angels, change beliefs, and deliver healing. And so the milestones of the method are important and allow us to actually enter and swim in this collective consciousness 'a collective consciousness of magic. Using the method you can download, the founder of the method Viana Stable documented hundreds of people whose lives changed only when working with the downloads. Download is the kind of energy we actually want from the seventh plain. It should be noted that according to the theta, we must get permission from every patient for anything we want to do except send unconditional love energy. A good example of a download is to ask for the Creator's perspective of compassion. This means asking the Creator the perspective of what compassion is, the perspective of the seventh plain. Actually pure perspective. Another example to download is to ask to know what it feels like to be loved. In the Theta Healing course we end with an exciting exercise in which I activate the DNA of the students. In this exercise we seek to stimulate the DNA of the DNA cell and through this awakening our soul actually begins its journey home, to its place of fulfillment. For Theta Healing is a door to many worlds, for me personally this method has changed my life. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to expand on the topic, welcome to speak with me if you feel a calling. Follow me on my Facebook page: to any question, Wsp: 05074021291, Hen Rotem
